Powerful Presentations: How You Can CREATE More Memorable Sales Messages

Powerful Presentations: How You Can CREATE More Memorable Sales Messages

Physicians and other healthcare providers have less time and more prescribing options than ever before. Studies show that as few as eight out of every 100 sales calls end with the physician meeting the rep and remembering what was said. How can you be one of those eight memorable reps?

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Rounding Third and Heading for Home: Training a Winning Sales Team

Rounding Third and Heading for Home: Training a Winning Sales Team

Although I never met the man, I imagine Lou Boudreau would have made one heck of a field sales trainer. In 1942 the 24-year old Cleveland Indians shortstop was promoted to player/manager of his team, and for the next eight years Boudreau did what we, as trainers, are called upon to do every day: demonstrate success, inspire success and cultivate success. Think of it as the triple play of sales training.

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